Abba bought the lathe with his son Lior in ca 2013 and they have been turning out creations ever since.

The majority of his creations have been crafted as gifts for friends and family, each with a unique design and character often inspired by Abba’s relationship with the recipient. They are therefore scattered around Toronto, Ontario, and North America - making them difficult to keep track of!

This website was created by his three proud children, to showcase and centralize his talent and to help provide a more streamlined answer to the all-too-common: “So, I heard your dad makes bowls…”

He has many talents outside woodworking, including hockey, canoe camping, leading a band on the soprano saxophone, and most importantly being an all-around incredible dad and husband to our mom, Sara.

Love, Mattan, Lior, and Ayelet

P.s. our family doesn’t usually treat birthdays with consistent gift-giving, so to make up for a couple missed birthdays we got you something more tangible…